Does an Apple a Day keep the Doctor Away?

Old Wives’ Tale

Does an apple a day keep the doctor away?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but apples are not particularly nutritious. For example, a medium sized apple contains only about 5- 10 mg of vitamin C and only small traces of other vitamins. No protein worth writing home about and contains about 50 calories. Also, as fruits go it has a moderate amount of dietary fibre – approximately 2 g.

So the description given above wouldn’t lend itself to provide any special immunity from illness. However, having said that, everybody should eat lots of fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy balanced diet. Remember, no one food could be considered a ‘super’ food. A combination of fruits and vegetables is the way to go.

In defence of the apple, it should be pointed out that they are excellent for cleaning your teeth! The crispness of the apple helps to remove sticky sugars and also makes the saliva flow in your mouth thus helping to wash off the sticky sugars from your teeth.



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